On Thursday 04 March 2004 1:17 pm, Urvashi Mishra wrote:
> hi !
> i am trying to implement multidimentional tree... and saw that a package
> called Tree::Nary already exits...
> i am use the above module and i am getting the following error ...
> Can't locate Tree/Nary.pm [EMAIL PROTECTED] < @INC contains: C:\perl\site\lib.>
> i have saved this module in this dir but its not working....
> if someone can help me??????????


What do you mean when you've 'saved the module in this dir'?

If you mean that you've simply downloaded the .tgz and unzipped it into the 
current directory, then perl won't see it.

You may get away with adding

use lib './';
before the use Tree:Nary to tell Perl where to look, but you'd be better off 
installing the module properly.  (Assuming you're on some form of unix), as 
root run the command

perl -MCPAN -e 'install Tree::Nary'

This will download and install the module for you and make it available to 

Note that if it is the first time you've run CPAN, you will be asked to 
configure it.  Simply choose the most logical answers, and if you're not sure 
of a question, simlpy take the default.
Gary Stainburn
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