Michael Weber wrote:
> I wrote a perl script that adds colors to text streams on the fly.  It's
> really handy for watching log files as they run past. I watch my mail
> log files after making config changes and can mark "reject" in red,
> "spam" in blue, discard is red and my console beeps, etc.  It's REALLY
> nice.
> However, in the configuration file, the script balks if there is a
> blank line in it.  My script reads the config file into an array before
> beginning to parse any data.  If there is a blank line, it gives this
> error:
> Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at
> /usr/local/bin/filter.pl line 43, <CONF> line 10.
> I can probably come up with a kludge to get it to work, but what is the
> correct "perl" way to handle it?
> Here's the loop where I read in the config file:
> open (CONF, $ARGV[0]) || die "Can't open config file $ARGV[0], $!\n";
> while (<CONF>) {
>         @conf_line=split(",");

This should work:

          my @conf_line = split /,/ or next;

>         push(@trigger_array, "$conf_line[0]");
                               ^             ^
You don't need to convert $conf_line[0] to a string, it already is a

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