I'm using ActiveState 5.6 Bld 623
I tried perdoc storable - nothing
I tried running a script with storable - nothing
Located storable.zip at
problem solved. must be a little braindead could not find that link for a
couple of hours.
Many Thanks
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "R. Joseph Newton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Clinton James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: Install Storable - ActiveState 5.6 Bld 623

Clinton James wrote:

> Hi
> ActiveState's documentation says Storable is in the Core. It's not in

Are you sure?  Have you tried:
Your_prompt> perldoc Storable
at the command line?  If the documentation is there, the functionality
probably is also.  You can also make
at least a quick and dirty check for functionality itself by:

Your_prompt> perl -MStorable

If Perl can not load Storable.pm, it will squack when the use-module switch
for Storable is specified on the
command line.

> There is no binary available.
> I downloaded v2.04, v2.08, v2.10 from CPAN and ran each

Better to use CPAN--even if it's broken, which mine is.  Even crippling
along it seems to get the job done on
modules for which no ppm is available.

perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install Storable

You mentioned the version of the module you downloaded, but have not told us
what Perl version you are
running.  What leads you to believe that Storable is not available in your

Have you done much of the low-level installation approach you describe
above?  It is usually not good for
your Perl installation, unless you have a very comprehensive understanding
of its structure.  Use ppm first.
If ppm fails, try using CPAN.  Only if neither of the built-in installation
facilities is successful should
you resort to hand installation.

I'd suggest first making sure that the module is not loaded.  If not, please
post again and let us know what
Perl version you are running.


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