Hi All 

I am bit lost with Excel Perl OLE Automation. I have a spreadsheet that
contains a number of sheets in it.

The data sheet contains all the data and the request sheet contain a
number of excel charts. The problem I have is that can't update the
sourceData in the Chart 1 on the requests sheet. 


Currently the sourceData range is =Data!$A$1:$A$291,Data!$G$1:$G$291
what I would like to do is just update it to
=Data!$A$1:$A$295,Data!$G$1:$G$295. Then update each of the other Charts
on that page with the same sourceData



Here is the code:



sub updateExcelCounters


     my $excelToUpdate = shift;

     my @dataFiles    = @_;


    ###print "Excel: $excelToUpdate files; @dataFiles .\n";


     my $Excel = Win32::OLE->new("Excel.Application");

     $Excel->{Visible} = 1;


     print "Excel: Opening Excel $excelToUpdate  \n";

     my $Book = $Excel->Workbooks->Open($excelToUpdate); # open Excel

     print "book : $Book\n";


     my $DataSheet = $Book->Worksheets("Data"); 

     my $RequestsSheet = $Book->Worksheets("Requests"); 

     my $PerformanceSheet = $Book->Worksheets("Performance"); 

     my $ErrorsSheet = $Book->Worksheets("Errors"); 


      my $file;

      foreach $file (@dataFiles)


         if($file =~ /counters\.csv/)



            my $line;

            my $Range; 

            my @items;

            my $valueRange;

            my $lastSourceData;

            my $i = 1;




            open(IN,"<$file") || die "$!\n";

            while($line = <IN>)


               chomp $line;

               @items = split/,/,$line;


               $valueRange = "A" .$i . ":". "I" .$i;

               $Range = $DataSheet->Range($valueRange);

               #print "Range $Range\n";

               ### Create a refrence to @items and insert it into excel

               $Range->{Value} = [EMAIL PROTECTED];





            ### Get the value that will be user to update all the graphs
SourceData with;

            $lastSourceData = $i -1; 

            print "lastSourceData: $lastSourceData \n";




            ### Here we update the graphs sourcedata



#### Everything work's till we get to here.


            my $Chart1 = $RequestsSheet->ChartObjects("Chart 1");



            $RequestsSheet->ChartObjects("Chart 1")->Activate();


            $Chart1->SetSourceData({Source => '=Data!\$A\$2:\$A\$295'});



          } ### Closing if($file


      } ### Closing the foreach    



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