My apologies to the list for being so vague in the first message. My on-call week has sapped what little brain power i had left. Here's what I was able to come up with yesterday:

sub read_cust_config {
my ($direction)=$_[0];
foreach $cust (@customers) {
chomp $cust;
open(CONFIG,$configfile) || warn "Cannot open file for $cust! $!\n";
while ($line=<CONFIG>)
if ($line =~ /^#+\s*/) {next};
chomp $line;
($mask,@data)=split (/\s+/,$line);
foreach (@data) {
close (CONFIG);

zentara wrote:

On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 10:43:07 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris
Zimmerman) wrote:

Obviously I am a beginner, so bear with me:

It's good practice for everyone :-)

I have an array, @customers, that has a list of names. For each customer I need to read in a config file, $cust.morestuff.cfg which is formatted:

Filename-mask Upload Name Hostname X-Type User Pass

I need to generate something like this:


Each customer will have multiple filemasks (basically the beginning couple of letters of the filename so I do not have to match exact files-some contain date names) with their appropriate processing information. I need to know the best way to get this together. Clear as mud?

The script below gives good output for files:


--- #YAML:1.0
 Xtype: a
 hostname: billhost
 pass: billpass
 user: bill
 Xtype: b
 hostname: bobhost
 pass: bobpass
 user: bob
 Xtype: c
 hostname: joehost
 pass: joepass
 user: joe

use warnings;
use strict;
use YAML;

my @custdata = ('joe', 'bill', 'bob');

my %customers;

foreach my $cust(@custdata){
open(CD,"<$cust-moredata.cfg") or warn "Can't open $!";
while (<CD>){
my ($Xtype,$user,$pass,$hostname)= split ' ',$_; print "$Xtype,$user,$pass,$hostname\n";
$customers{$cust}{'user'} = $user;
$customers{$cust}{'Xtype'} = $Xtype;
$customers{$cust}{'pass'} = $pass;
$customers{$cust}{'hostname'} = $hostname;
} close CD
print Dump(\%customers);
And the moredata files

c   joe   joepass   joehost

a   bill   billpass   billhost

b   bob   bobpass   bobhost

-- I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.

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