Andrew Gaffney wrote:

> The above code won't work because it splits on a comma. A lot of the fields contain a
> comma somewhere within the actual data. If it was easy as that, I would have had 
> this done
> long ago ;)
> --
> Andrew Gaffney

Hi Andrew,

Don't count on it not being that easy.  Are you using the native capacities of the 
application to
their best.  I'm presuming here that a lawyer will have a full M$ Office suite, if 
they are u8sing
the tools at all.  You can paste tables from Word docs into Excel, and exoprt as CSV 
from there.
Excel should have a much broader range of data export filters.

It sound, though, like you will have a major job of normalization ahead.  I would 
foresee a bit of
hand work in the data design.  One interim step you might take, for multivalued 
fields, is to
concatenate them with some nuetral delimiter, such as a semi-colon.  This way, as you 
normalize to
break out any given field, you can use the Text::CSV module to get your fields, then 
split the
fields of interest on the semicolons.

If this material is already in an Office format, though, I would definitely recommend 
that you do as
much as possible within Office.  There is so much solid built-in functionality there 
that it
wouldn't make sense to low-level something you can do with a macro.


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