: I have run into a situation that I am unclear on.
: I am making the following assignment during a loop:
: push @{$response_hash{$request_id}},{time => "$time",ip_addr 
: => "$ip_address",oids => "%response_values"};

    I didn't test your code but "%response_values" is not the
same as \%response_values or %response_values. You have just
run into the problem with unnecessarily quoting variables.
(Read perlfaq4.)

    You might have wanted (White space is your friend.):

push @{ $response_hash{ $request_id } }, {
        time    => $time,
        ip_addr => $ip_address,
        oids    => \%response_values,

: Where: response_values is a simple hash containing key,value 
: pairs and $time and $ip_address are simple scalar vars.
: I can iterate through the %response_values hash after it is 
: created localy using simple foreach my $value (keys 
: %response_values ) syntax, but when I try to include that 
: iteration when iterating the main response hash, I am not 
: getting any values.
: I am using the following syntax:

    Add this near the top of your script. It adds a function
named Dumper to your script.

use Data::Dumper 'Dumper';

: foreach my $request (sort keys %response_hash) {
:       print "Response to request_id $request\n";
:       foreach my $record(@{$response_hash{$request}}) {

    Test what is in $record with the Dumper function:

    print Dumper @record;

    Is the result what you thought was in there?

:               print "Time : $record->{time}\n";
:               print "IP : $record->{ip_addr}\n";
:               foreach my $response ($record->{keys %response_values} )
:               {
:                       print "Response to oid : $response = 
: $response_values{$response}\n";
:               }
:       }
: }


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

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