
On Windows NT works following script to create a tar file and then transfer
it on a AIX machine.

# Create tar file

my $tar = Archive::Tar -> new;
$tar -> add_files(@files_to_tar);
$tar -> write ($opt_tar_file);

# Start FTP-Transfer (to be done with variables)

my $ftp = Net::FTP -> new("ahost", Debug => 1) or die "Connecting error:
$ftp -> login("user",'pass') or die "Cannot login ", $ftp -> message;
$ftp -> cwd("/tmp/install/") or die "Cannot change working directory ", $ftp
-> message;
$ftp -> binary;
$ftp -> put($opt_tar_file) or die "Cannot put ", $ftp -> message;
$ftp -> quit;

On AIX, after tar -xvf, I have the <cr> problem. Is it a way to avoid the
<cr> ? Thank you.


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