TapasranjanMohapatra wrote:
> Hi,
> Can someone tell me how to handle the vt100 sequences using expect
>  module of perl. I have used the same sequences while using TCL
>  Expect. It works fine. But I don't understand what is the problem
> while I try doing the same thing using Perl Expect. If my TCL Expect
> Code goes like:-  
>      send "\x09" # hexadecimal equivalent of a tab
>      expect "\x1b?2;2H"
> What should be the equivalent Perl code?
> I am able to send "\x09" in perl but I think it doesn't expect the
> correct thing. Perhaps the semicolon has to be escaped but even after
> escaping the semicolon didn't solve the problem. Can someone give
> some help or reference link where I can learn what these values  
> like "\x1b?2;2H"  mean.

Those sequences look OK to me.

$ perl -e 'print "\x09"' | od -ca
0000000   \t

$ perl -e 'print "\x1b?2;2H"' | od -ca
0000000  033   ?   2   ;   2   H
         esc   ?   2   ;   2   H

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