Nigel Peck - MIS Web Design <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Hi all,
: I'm sure I'm just being stupid here but I can't see where:
: I have an array of hash references that I'm trying to sort by 
: one of the key/value pairs in the hashes (see code below).
: I get various errors, the current one being:
: Can't coerce array into hash at
: /web/ line 2392.
: Line 2392 is the line where the sortfunc function is defined.
: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
: my @boat_list;
: foreach my $boat ( $boats->findnodes("//boat") )      {
:       my $section;
:       foreach my $ab ( $boat->findnodes("section") )  {
:               ($section = $ab) if ($ab->getAttribute("title") 
: eq "General Details");
:       }

    You really should test that $section has a value in it.

:       my $boat_details = {};
:       $boat_details->{num} = $boat->getAttribute("num");
:       $boat_details->{name} = 
: $section->findnodes("name")->[0]->firstChild->data;
:       $boat_details->{type} = $boat_type->getAttribute("title");
:       $boat_details->{price} =
: $section->findnodes("price")->[0]->firstChild->data;
:       push @boat_list, $boat_details;

    It's doesn't fix the problem, but this could be
re-written this way:

  push @boat_list, {
      num     => $boat->getAttribute("num"),
      name    => $section->findnodes("name")->[0]->firstChild->data,
      type    => $boat_type->getAttribute("title"),
      price   => $section->findnodes("price")->[0]->firstChild->data,

: }
: sub sortfunc { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name}; }
: my @sorted_boats = sort sortfunc @boat_list;
: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

    It would appear that @boat_list has something in it
other than what is expected. Try dumping @boat_list to
see what is in it.



use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper 'Dumper';

my @sorted_boats = sort sortfunc
                            { name => 'foo' },
                            { name => 'bar' },
                            { name => 'baz' },

print Dumper [EMAIL PROTECTED];

sub sortfunc { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name}; }



Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

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