Hi all,
     I am trying to setup a hash who's values are referance to hash's. Data structure 
should look like this

           setting 1
           setting 2
           setting 1
           setting 2

  I would think it can be accomplished with following code, but when I try to print it 
out it only prints the last setting which it read. Any idea's ??

#!perl -w
use strict;
open RD, "input.txt";

my ( $field,$portsetting, $value, $port, $portnum, %digi, $debug );

 while ( <RD> ) {

     $field = {};
     $digi{$portnum} = $field;


print "setting $portsetting -> $digi{$portnum}{$portsetting}\n" if $debug;

                if($portsetting eq 'porttitle'){
                        $value =~ tr /-/ /;
                        $value =~ m/^(\w+)\s+(\w+)/i;
print "1:$digi{$portnum}{$portsetting}\t2:$digi{$portnum}{'type'}\n" if $debug;


# print the whole thing
 foreach $port ( keys %digi ) {
     print "$port: { ";
     for $field ( keys %{ $digi{$port} } ) {
         print "$field=$digi{$port}{$field} ";
     print "}\n";

Sample DATA

port = 0
bmanset = 0
benable = 1
uarttype = 0
baudrate = 9600
stopbits = 1
databits = 8
parity = 0
flowcontrol = 0
protocol = 1
port = 1
bmanset = 0
benable = 1
uarttype = 0
baudrate = 9600
stopbits = 1
databits = 8
parity = 0
flowcontrol = 0
protocol = 1

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