On Thu, 01 Apr 2004 16:34:11 -0600
Mike Blezien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> that was my original plan, but I though there maybe a better way
> others may use or suggest :)
> Appreciate the feedback,

If you are running this on a Unix/Linux system check out perldoc -f
flock. It enables advisory file locking. It avoids the complexity of
doing file locking by creating sentinel files using the standard Unix
atomic open semantics.  There are some serious race condition problems
with that approach.

The information in the perl manual for flock contains an example mailbox
locking routine which explains how to use flock to grant exclusive
access to a file.

Smoot Carl-Mitchell
Systems/Network Architect
cell: +1 602 421 9005
home: +1 480 922 7313

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