
Thanks a lot.  I am going to try to decipher your code and hope you will
not mind me asking questions later.

>>It's a bit hard to give good suggestions if I do not understand the
data.  Are all the data yearly like the stuff in page6.prn?

The data are bunch of report files, the format of which is a combination of
the report files represented in pages 6 and 7 (copies attached).
So a table will have the following:

- a page number of the form (#       {Release}, {date}).  E.g.: 6
Z.1, March 4, 2004
- 2 title lines
      -- D.1 Debt Growth by Sector
      -- In percent; quarterly figures are seasonally adjusted annual rates
- a variable number of column header (what I call major #1, major #2, major
#3, ....)
   where major N-1 is a parent of major N (N=2, 3, 4, ..)
   and major N represents an atomic column header A, B, C, .... (e.g.,
Total, government, nonfederal ...... Corporate)
- data lines (which could either be of the format {date} {value for column
A} {value for column B} ....


Sample tables

6         Z.1, March 4, 2004
D.1 Debt Growth by Sector\203^G\202\201\205^K 1
In percent; quarterly figures are seasonally adjusted annual rates

                   -----------------------------Domestic nonfinancial

                           Federal      Total              Home    Consumer
                   Total  government  nonfederal  Total  mortgage   credit
Total  Corporate

1969                 7.2        -1.1         9.7    7.7       7.0       8.3
11.6       11.4
1970                 6.9         4.2         7.6    4.4       4.4       3.4
10.3       12.9
1971                 9.5         8.3         9.8    9.2       8.5      11.7
10.1        7.8
1972                10.0         4.6        11.4   11.3      11.2      13.1
12.5        9.9
1973                10.7         2.0        12.9   12.4      11.7      13.3
14.7       17.5
1974                 9.2         3.4        10.5    8.8       9.7       4.6
13.0       11.5

Z.1, March 4, 2003

F.206 Money Market Mutual Fund Shares
Billions of dollars; quarterly figures are seasonally adjusted annual rates

                                                  2002    2003
-----2002-----  -2003-
Q4      Q1

 1  FA634000005      Net issues                   -16.8  -207.8  -124.0
201.5  -394.2     1

 2  FA634000005      Net purchases                -16.8  -207.8  -124.0
201.5  -394.2     2

 3  FA153034005        Household sector           -40.2   -90.2    82.1
-164.0  -185.3     3
 4  FA103034003        Nonfinancial corporate bu   26.9   -52.7   -47.6
163.5   -38.5     4
 5  FA113034003        Nonfarm noncorporate busi    2.3    -8.2    -6.6
14.9    -5.5     5

 6  FA603034003        Bank personal trusts and     1.3    -9.2     1.3
1.3    -9.2     6
 7  FA543034003        Life insurance companies   -13.5    -8.3   -55.8
7.4   -28.2     7
 8  FA573034003        Private pension funds        2.8     2.9     2.8
2.8     2.9     8
 9  FA503034003        Funding corporations         3.6   -42.1  -100.3
175.5  -130.3     9


William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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