Jeff Westman wrote:
Venugopal P <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Once you close the file, memory for the file handle will be
You can unlink file using the original file name.
unlink ("abc");

This doesn't answer my question.  I wanted to know if it is
possible to remove a file using the FH name, not the variable name
referencing it.  Please see my original post below.

No, you cannot delete a "file" via it's handle;
you can do this however -

    use 5.004;
    use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
    sysopen(BLACKHOLE, "$path", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT)
        or die "can't create $path: $!";
        or die "can't lock $path: $!";
    truncate(BLACKHOLE, 0)
        or die "can't truncate $path: $!";

Then use unlink(filename) to delete it...

However, don't take my word for it -
test all this yourself:

open(TESTFILE, ">atestfile") or die "cant $!";
print TESTFILE "Im data - not the android.";

# try to delete it by FH only -
open(TF2, "atestfile") or die "cant $!";

# File still exists -
print `ls -l`;

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