On Friday 02 April 2004 07:04 am, Beau E. Cox wrote:
> On Friday 02 April 2004 06:37 am, JupiterHost.Net wrote:
> > Hello List,
> >
> > It just occurred to me that many Perl functions use $_ if not other
> > value is supplied. chomp for instance..., which is very handy...
> >
> > If one wanted to write a function that used either the given argument or
> > $_ how would you do that?
> >
> >   myfunc($myvalue);
> > or
> >   myfunc; #uses the current value of $_
> >
> > sub myfunc {
> >
> >    my $func_arg = shift || ????; # you wouldn't just do '|| $_;' would
> > you?
> >
> > ...
> Hi -
> I think what you are trying to do is modify a passed argument - like chomp
> does - which really has nothing to do with $_. Normaly a subroutine gets
> its arguments from the @_ array and puts them in a private variable,
> does its thing, and returns a value. This is commonly called 'pass by
> reference' and is a nice, safe way to do things. If you want to operate
> on the passed arguments themselves ('pass by value') - which can be more
> error prone (at least in some cases), you can do that - as chomp does.
> In the sample below, 'to_lower' modifies the incoming argument, and
> 'to_upper' does not.
> #!/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> my $string = 'hello';
> print "before to_upper: $string\n";
> to_upper( $string );
> print " after to_upper: $string\n";
> to_lower( $string );
> print " after to_lower: $string\n";
> sub to_upper
> {
>     # actually modified the incoming argument the -
>     # 0th element of @_.
>     $_[0] = uc $_[0];
> }
> sub to_lower
> {
>     # traditional approach
>     my $string = shift;
>     lc $string;
>     return $string;
> }
> When run, it returns:
> before to_upper: hello
>  after to_upper: HELLO
>  after to_lower: HELLO

That's all well and good, but after re-reading you query,
here is what you really want:


use strict;
use warnings;

my $string = 'hello';
print "before to_upper w/arg: $string\n";
to_upper( $string );
print " after to_upper w/arg: $string\n";

$_ = 'hiya';
print "before to_upper no/arg: $_\n";
print " after to_upper no/arg: $_\n";

sub to_upper
    # point to passed arg or caller's $_
    my $arg = $_[0] ? \$_[0] : \$_;
    # modify in place
    $$arg = uc $$arg;

Aloha => Beau;

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