
The scope of this conversation seems beyond my ability, but I think I can answer you're question - I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong :)

You're looking to put together scripts that act like typical command-line commands like `ls` or `cat`. I use the magic of the diamond operator `<>`. This allows invocation arguments just like `ls` or `cat`. Typically its used inside of a look like this..

#! /usr/bin/perl

    print "Script: $_" while(<>);

Lets say the program's name was `` and it was processing a file with 3-lines of test text in a file named `sample.txt`. sample.txt

Script: Test-1
Script: Test-2
Script: Test-3

You could also use the following command `cat sample.txt |`.

As we say in Philly, you feel me dog?


** Back ticks are not part of the actual statement.

On Mar 30, 2004, at 11:35 PM, Bryan Harris wrote:

On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 00:38:50 -0700
Bryan Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Alternatively, you can use the '-t' operator:

exit 0 if -t STDIN

I've been waiting for this for a LONG time, thanks Smoot.

No problem. It took me a while to find the correct operator as well.

Please keep in mind that doing this breaks the de facto Unix standard
for filters. A simply command which is a filter (e.g takes
input from STDIN and sends output to STDOUT) is written without any
consideration whether the input is a terminal, pipe, socket or
otherwise. This makes it very simple to use the command in a pipeline or
standalone from the terminal.

[stuff cut out]


Strangely, I find that we almost always want our scripts to act this way.
If any files or data is passed to the script, then it uses it. Otherwise,
it prints usage instructions (since we'd rather not have man pages for
scripts, and I don't know how to build them anyway).

I mention this because I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on this

By the way, what's a socket?

- B

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