> Hi all,

Hi Urvashi,

> I am trying to use a module named Nary.pm in my
> code... tree.pl
> first line of my code says....
> use Nary;   # Module in the same dir as the script
> Can't locate object method "new" via package "Nary"
> (perhaps you forgot to load "Nary"?) at
> tree-trial.pl line 3.
> can anyone tell me where i am going wrong!!!

The module that you are trying to load is not in the
default path where perl searches for any modules.
just do 
perl -e "print @INC"
and copy the module (Nary.pm) to any of those
If the module needs to be installed, You will have to
use the proper process to install the module. Just
untar the module and read the README file. But I
think, it should not be that difficult.

Alok Bhatt

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