The following code connects to a linksys router and resets the connection. I can't seem to find the proper way to access the contents of the HTML::Form::InputText object without accessing it's internal data structure.
This is part of the expression in question: my $status = $1 if $input->{value_name}
Anybody know a proper way to get this value?
Thanks, Randy.
use strict; use warnings;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use constant URL => '';
{# username and password package MyMech; our @ISA = qw(WWW::Mechanize);
sub get_basic_credentials { my($self, $realm, $uri) = @_; return ('username', 'password'); } }
# Fetch status page my $mech = MyMech->new(); my $resp = $mech->get( URL ); die "Can't connect" unless $resp->is_success();
# Determine current connection status
my $form = $mech->form_number( 1 ) or die "Can't select form";
my $input = $form->find_input( 'pppoeAct' ) or die "Can't find input";
my $status = $1 if $input->{value_name} =~ /Status: (Connected|Connecting|Disconnected)/;
print "$status\n";
# If connected, reset connection if ($status eq 'Connected') { my $resp = $mech->click(); if ($resp->is_success) { sleep( 5 ); $resp = $mech->get( URL ); die "Can't re-get page" unless $resp->is_success; $resp = $mech->click(); die "Failed to reconnect" unless $resp->is_success; } else { die "Failed to disconnect"; } } else { die "Unexpectedly" }
print "done.\n";
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