I have code that uses a 'foreach(@array) {}' to loop through an array. I now need to be able to get the array index inside of that. I know I could switch to a 'for($loopvar=0;$loopvar<@array;$loopvar++) {}' to do that, but I'd have to change some other code also. If not that way, is there a way to get the array index inside of a loop like 'for(0..$#array) {}'?

I've used your last suggestion many times:

for(0..$#array) { print "Number $_ is $array[$_]\n"; }

or to keep the value in $_ (and a *little* extra work):

 my $ix = 0;
 for(@array) {
   print "Number $ix is $_\n";


Lee.M - JupiterHost.Net

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