hehehe... You might be surprised.

While IANACY (I an not a coder... yet!), I have dabbled with other languages. The last 6+ months I've been studying Perl programming intending to push into coding. I've seen code in other languages (C for example) and much of it looks very similar to Perl. If I didn't look closer I would have mistakenly said it was Perl code ::grinz::

Even though languages are very different in what they can do, they have many similarities.

Jan Eden wrote:

Ron B wrote on 22.04.2004:

Why would one prefer Pepsi over Coke, or vice versa? :) That's the
answer to your question.


Why would one prefer PHP over PERL, or vice, versa? I'm guessing
PERL has more functionaltiy and is more robust. What are the
technical arguments for one over the other? JP

This implies that programming/scripting languages differ not more than softdrinks. Interesting. So by knowing (a little) Perl, I can program also Fortran and Cobol! I never knew that. Thanks Ron! ;)


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