Hi All,

Been ages since I last posted to this list...

Anyhoo, I have a script which handles the uploading of a file. 

It uses the CGI module to get the form params etc and open/read/close
statements to receive the file.  This is fine and all works well.  The
problem is a temporary file (of the same size as the uploaded file) is
created in the TEMP directory.  It has a name along the lines of
'CGITemp****' where the asterisks represent a sequence number.  

Is there any switch/arg to prevent this or at least delete this file when
the upload is completed?  I have googled to no avail.

I suppose I could just delete it myself but I don't know the CGITemp
sequence number.  

If no one knows I guess i'll have to have a look at the code for CGI.pm :(

I'm on Win32, perl v5.6.1, CGI v2.752



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