Hello.  I've been hacking on Erik Oliver's rather
nice setext-to-html script, refining it beyond the
original interpretations of setext back in 2002. 
I've run into two major snags that my limited
of Perl is not allowing me to get past.  I'd
any pointers or assistance anyone can offer.

I've included the complete script, and the example
setext file I test it with.

The problems:

1.  The setext twodot-typotag ('..' on a line by
itself), is intended to indicate the logical end of
textual information in a file.  So, the script
should stop parsing the file when it encounters that
tag. [Side note: two periods beginning a line are
used  for other reasons, too, so _only_ two periods
alone on a line indicate the end of text].  However,
loop2  within the script, I've tried adding a simple:

if (/^\.\.\s*$/) {last;}

and it won't work.

2.  I'm trying to implement the note-typotag.  This
one is a two-part construction, consisting of a hot
tagged word in the text (word followed by
underscore: hot_ ) and a note tag to define the
.. _hot Note content here.

I've hacked the href parsing piece to collect the
notes ok.  (Hrefs substitute a URL for the note
content and are otherwise identical.)  I can't seem
to find any variation on the hot-word parser that
allows me to tag both hrefs and notes.  
I'm really frustrated right now, so if I've left out
necessary details, I apologise.  Let me know and
I'll clarify.

Thanks for any help,

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Attachment: setext2html.pl
Description: setext2html.pl

Attachment: test.etx
Description: test.etx

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