>Hi William and all,


>> Most Useful Perl Modules
>> -strict
>> -warnings
>why is it everyone keeps suggesting use warnings when you could use
>diagnostics and get a whole lot of more info?
>I'd go for the diagnostics instead of the warnings module. Does this
>have any negative side effects (besides working towards the title of
>most-annoying-know-it-all) or why exactly is everyone advising warnings
>over diagnostics?

Just some background on my list...Those modules listed on my signature are 
for the benefit of people new to Perl that are curious about what modules to 
look at. There's not the only ones I suggest using, but I think they are in fact 
so useful to development and some common situations that I put them on my 
signature, and continue to add to it whenever I find something cool (added 
DBD::SQLite a couple weeks ago because it is AWESOME. Use it if you don't already)

That being said, I will never put diagnostics on my list. I hate diagnostics. 
I think it's longwinded, and it's generally general statements about problems 
are ignorant. It always fogs up my output. Look at the output of "use 
diagnostics; print $i;". If anyone likes diagnostics, sorry. TMTOWTDI. I like 
warnings and it's usually one line SUGGESTIONS. My code always begins "use strict; 
use warnings;" and I ain't changing it.


(the above message is double rot13 encoded for security reasons)

Most Useful Perl Modules

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