On May 4, 2004, at 1:40 PM, Madhu Reddy wrote:


Close, but not quite. Glance at that name again. ;)

   Thanks for your response..
those variables are only one for file..

say file1 have only <ABC_IFILE>
and file 2 have only  <ASD_IFILE>

like this i have 100 files...

i want a common search and replace
to replace <*_IFILE> with new value..

i have common one like <IMPORT_IFILE> in all the
for this i am doing following

s/<IMPORT_IFILE>/$in_out_file_path/      if

The "if m/.../" part isn't needed and it's slowing things down. I suggest removing it.

similarly, i want to replace following this with


new value..

I don't want to use following

s/<ABC_IFILE>/$in_out_file_path/      if

s/<ASD_IFILE>/$in_out_file_path/ if (m/<ASD_IFILE>/);

because here ABC, ASD will change each time..
inly "_IFILE>" is fixed and common for all..

How to replace this ?

Did you read my last answer? I did cover this.

Step 1 - Load a hash:

my %replacements = ( ABC => 'ABC replace',
                                    ASD => 'ASD replace' );

Step 2 - Search and replace by key:



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