Paul Harwood wrote:
> I am trying to read a binary file with the following code:
> $filename = "binary_file.rpy";
> open(FILE, $filename)         or die "can't open $filename: $!";
> binmode(FILE);
> binmode(STDOUT);
> while (read(FILE, $buff, 8 * 2**10)) {
>     print STDOUT $buff;
> }
> I get *some* readable output, but there are still many characters that
> appear as gibberish. Are there any other techniques I can use to make
> the output more readable?

Here is one way to do it that converts non-printable characters to an
octal escape:

my $filename = 'binary_file.rpy';
open FILE, $filename         or die "can't open $filename: $!";
binmode FILE;

$/ = \( 8 * 2 ** 10 );
while ( <FILE> ) {
    s/([[:^print:]])/ sprintf '\%03o', ord $1 /eg;

use Perl;

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