John Doe wrote:
> Hello all,


> i trying to sort one my file that is 10 MB and contain
> records:
> ---
> aa
> adsad
> dasd
> das
> aa
> ---
> i want to sort and eleminate double records.
> I use:
> $perl -0777ane '$, = "\n"; @[EMAIL PROTECTED] = (); print sort keys %uniq' \ out.log
> But i recive error: Out of memory!
> Yeah, this is normal, the file is 10 MB.
> Any body can help me ?

You are reading the whole file into @F.  Try doing it by reading one
record at a time.

perl -lne'$uniq{$_}++; END{print for sort keys %uniq}' out.log

use Perl;

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