On Fri, May 14, 2004 at 07:59:40PM -0500, max wrote:
> So i use another bash script to load the environment and run the perl script 
> from one line in the crontab, the content of the load and run script is this:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> !/bin/sh
> . ~max/tmp/g_amb.sh   # <-- This Loads the environment.
> /home/max/tmp/l_amb.pl  # <-- This uses the environment loaded.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> How could i load the environment from the perl script without using the load 
> and run script ?
> Some perl or bash scripts are going to use the environment variables and i 
> dont want to define the variables on every script, 


It sounds like you have a perfectly good solution.  Quite honestly, I
would stick with it.  Here's why:

First off, you've got two factors working together here:

      1) Multiple Perl scripts must be able to see these variables.

      2) At the time the Perl scripts are run, the environment is not
      normally available.

#1 says that you need to centralize the variables somewhere so that
multiple scripts can load them up.  

#2 says that you are going to need to take some explicit action to
instantiate the variables.

If you don't like that, then something like the following might work
(not tested):

-------------- File MyEnv.pm in @INC
package MyEnv;
use Env;

$ENV{PVAR} = 'p var';
$ENV{XVAR} = 'x var';
-------------- End 

-------------- Begin script file:

use MyEnv;
-------------- End 

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