On Wed, 2004-05-19 at 08:35, Randy W. Sims wrote:
> On 5/18/2004 11:00 PM, Randy W. Sims wrote:
> > sub uniq { return keys %{{ map { $_, 1 } @_ }} }
> Sorry for the nice formatting, that should have been:
> sub uniq{keys%{{map{$_,[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Are u sure that works ? 
I just wrote out a script didnot work for me 


my @arr = qw(a b c d a b e f );
print join(" " , sort @arr) . "\n" . '#' x 50 . "\n";
print join(" " , sort (uniq (@arr))) . "\n";
exit 0;
sub uniq{keys%{{map{$_,[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The output I got was 

a a b b c d e f
a b c d a b e f

I dont think there is anything wrong with the function uniq, the
function works fine ( when I print within the function ). I think the
issue is with the return


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