
I'm running Perl 5.8.x on RHEL ver. 3 and I am
trying to connect to Oracle 9i (both
the database and the Application Server's

With Perl 5.6.1, I used DBI and Oracle:DBD
and things worked well, with Perl 5.8.x, the
readme docs for the DBD module says that it
is incompatible with that version of Perl.

I thought I could use unixODBC on Linux to
connect to the database(s), but I don't see
any docs or examples  (even from
that could help.

Can someone point me in the direction to either:

a) configure a new version of Oracle DBD to
work, or, 

b) examples of how to get Perl 5.8.x, unixODBC
and odbc-oracle-1.3.1 to work on RedHat Linux,

c) point me towards a how-to to re-install a
second perl version on the same box.  (I am
trying this route, and get compile errors - I
can send those if they are needed).

Please and thanks!


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