Larry Wissink wrote:
> We have a backup server that is missing records from the production
> server for a particular table.  We know that it should have sequential
> records and that it is missing some records.  We want to get a sense of
> the number of records missing.  So, we know the problem started around
> the beginning of March at id 70,000,000 (rounded for convenience).
> Currently we are at 79,000,000.  So, I dumped to a file all the ids
> between 70,000,000 and 79,000,000 (commas inserted here for
> readability).  I need to figure out what numbers are missing.  The way
> that seemed easiest to me was to create two arrays.  One with every
> number between 70 and 79 million, the other with every number in our
> dump file.  Then compare them as illustrated in the Perl Cookbook using
> a hash.
> The simple script I came up with works fine with a test file of just 10
> records.
> But, when I try to scale that to 9 million records, it doesn't work.
> This is probably because it is trying to do something like what db
> people call a cartesian join (every record against every record).
> So, does anybody have a suggestion for a better way to do it in Perl?

Something like this should work:

my $last = <FILE>;
while ( my $current = <FILE> ) {
    for ( my $missing = $last + 1; $missing < $current; ++$missing ) {
        print "$missing\n";
    $last = $current;

use Perl;

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