On Thu, 2004-05-20 at 21:22, Rich Fernandez wrote:
> I'm unclear about how alternation works in a regex.
> Say I want to find either "foo" or "bar" within a string. I don't care which
> one I match, only that I make a match.
> Would this be correct:  /foo|bar/
> Should they be grouped thusly: /(foo|bar)/
> What about /(?:foo|bar)/   ?
> Specifically, I know that the second one remembers which one is found and
> the third one doesn't. But is the first example wrong? 

The first one also remembers what is found. It's the variable $&

> richf
Josà Alves de Castro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Telbit - Tecnologias de InformaÃÃo

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