Lrmk wrote:
> I am developing a web site traffic rating system. using a combination og
> perl and java (PERL in serverside, Java Applets in cliend side - My attempt
> to create dynamic images was not that successfull so I use a java applet to
> view the rating info on the site)
> Here is my question The rating system is now working but every day I have to
> run a hevy SQL statement to recalculate the traffic ranks of web sites
> Something similer to this
> $DBC is the connection to the mysql database
> my $q = $DBC->prepare("
>     domainname,
>     (viewcount/(($now - startedTime)/86400)) AS views_per_day
>   FROM site
>   WHERE startedTime < ($now - 48hours)
>   ORDER BY views_per_day
>   DESC
>  ")
> my $rank = 0;
> $q->execute();
> while (my $ref = $q->fetchrow_hashref()){
>     $rank++;
>     my %hash = %{$ref};
>     $DBC->do("UPDATE site SET rank = $rank WHERE domainname=" .
> $DBC->quote($hash{'domainname'}));
> }
> $q->finish();
> $DBC->do("COMMIT");
> the problem is if there are 1500 qualified records in the table there going
> to 1501 queries (there going to be lots mor records than 1500 in the real
> system)
> Question 1 ) Is there a more efficiant way of doing this, atleast to reduce
> the number of queries?
> I know if I use Oracle db i can make a PL/SQL procedure but my web host only
> give MySql
> Question 2 ) Can I make functions with mySQL if yes where can I find a
> tutorial?


I would keep the rank values in a separate table with just two columns: the
domain name and its rank. You could obviously pretend that it's part of the
main table by setting up a view. The all you need to do is

  INSERT INTO rank (domainname, rank)
  VALUES ($domainname, $rank)

As for the functions,take a look here:



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