Jame Brooke wrote:
Friend, anybody have idea regarding this problem. Assume I want know where the word call "fish" locate in which line number, and this word i save under file call nlexample. Assume we already know fish save under line number 2, how we show this?


I love vegetable
I love fish
I love perl

my script
----------- my $lineno;
while (<>){
if (/pattern/){
print $lineno++;
print ": $_";

As i know we can use pattern tester to matching right? But why i perl no allow me 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ./pattern nlexample fish
Can't open fish: No such file or directory at ./pattern line 7, <> line 6.

Any comment regarding this problem, please advise.

If "fish" is the string you're looking for, you need to grab it off the command line. Otherwise, the <> operator will think it is a file and try to open it. Given your example usage above and my understanding of what you're trying to do, the code below should work.



use strict;
use warnings;

my $pattern = pop( @ARGV );

while (defined( my $line = <ARGV> )) {
    chomp( $line );
    if ( $line =~ /$pattern/o ) {
        printf( "%4d: %s\n", $., $line );
} continue {
    close( ARGV ) if eof;


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