> Hi, 
>    Adding Perl to the list of languages... and came across a question of
> loading vars with very long strings...
>    Actually I am modifiying a prior employee's code and want to make it
> more readable.
> currently the code is such:
> my $longlist = "Clause1|Clause2|Clause3|Clause4|...|ClauseN";
> I would like to know why I can't make this more readable?  Is it because
> newline characters would be added to the mix?  I would like to do
> something like this:
> my $longlist = "Clause1|
>                 Clause2|
>                 Clause3|
>                 Clause4|
>                 ...|
>                 ClauseN";

Depends on how the variable is then used. Because it is a quoted string
newlines and lots of whitespace is added to the string, which will
likely then throw off other formatting or parsing of the string.  If you
want you could put the clauses into an array quoting them separately
then just 'join' to build the $longlist.  This would be one way to
improve readability through formatting. Using constants, loading the
values from a config file automatically, etc. might be other ways. 

To me as long as there isn't anything else going on further down the
line it isn't unreadable.  For those in legacy editors/terminals they
would disagree I suppose...


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