I have this little piece of code:

-- CUT --

use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::FTP;

my $address = "localhost";
my $port = 21;
my $user = "test";
my $pass = "test";
my $sourcedir = "/test/";
my $sourcemask = "*";
my $destdir = "/tmp/test/";

my $ftp = Net::FTP->new(
  Timeout => 30,
  Debug   => 0,
  Port    => $port,
) or die "Error in connect";
$ftp->login($user, $pass) or die "Error in login";
$ftp->cwd($sourcedir) or die "Error in cwd";
for ($ftp->ls($sourcemask)) {
  $ftp->get("$_", "$destdir$_") or die "Error in get";
-- CUT --

Now, if I put in some wrong values I get the expected "Error in ****".
The unexpected behaviour happens when the destination directory doesn't
exist and I get this output:

Cannot open Local file /tmp/test/test.xml: No such file or directory
 at ./test.pl line 25
Error in get at ./test.pl line 25.

Changing the loop to:

for ($ftp->ls($sourcemask)) {
  my $ret = undef;
  eval { $ret = $ftp->get($_, "$destdir$_") };
  die "Error in get" unless defined $ret;

Doesn't work either.
Any way to prevent this other than checking if the destination directory


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