Does anyone know where I can get some information on how to
access, create, modify a table and add rows to a table in Microsoft Word
from Perl?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ravinder Arepally" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Wiggins d'Anconia'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 8:46 PM
Subject: RE: XML::DOM::Parser question !

> I need to change value in file itself. It is not doing that.
> I am thinking setAttribute should change value of element in file. But my
> below
> code is not doing that even though I am using same.
> My intention is to change value of
> <javaTask className = "tool.update.languagepack.MergeConfig">
>                 <arg name="sample" value="false"/>
> to
>    <javaTask className = "tool.update.languagepack.MergeConfig">
>                 <arg name="sample" value="true"/>
> Thanks,
> Ravi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wiggins d'Anconia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 8:09 PM
> To: Ravinder Arepally
> Subject: Re: XML::DOM::Parser question !
> Ravinder Arepally wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > I am trying to parse a XML file and change an element value.
> > Below is code of mine where I am doing this. However, setAttribute
> > doesn't work and it doesn't give any error message too.
> > I spent enough time and doesn't make sense to me. I get right value
> > using getAttribute('value).
> > XML file is also pasted at the end of this mail. Any help or pointer
> > is greatly appreciated.
> > Any suggestions in writing better code for this task is also
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Ravi.
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------
> > my $udtTaskFile =
> > "$depotLocation/updates/$udtBaseName/tasks/$udtBaseName"."_cs_udt.xml"
> > ;  print ("udtTaskfile is : $udtTaskFile \n");  ------- XML file which
> > is pasted at end of this mail.
> >  Util::safeCopy("$udtTaskFile", "$udtTaskFile".time()); -- I have
> >
> >
> >  my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser;
> >  my $doc = $parser->parsefile($udtTaskFile);
> >
> >  my @taskList = $doc->getElementsByTagName('taskEntry');
> >
> >  foreach my $task (@taskList) {
> >      if ($task->getAttribute('uniqueName') eq "MergeConfig"){
> >           my $javaTask = $task->getElementsByTagName('javaTask');
> >           if (! $javaTask) {
> >               $log->write("ERROR: Couldn't find any Java tasks in
> > $udtTaskFile ");
> >              return "Problem configuring installLPI. Couldn't find any
> > Java Tasks in $udtTaskFile. ";
> >           }
> >       my $innerTask = $javaTask->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('arg');
> >       if (! $innerTask) {
> >               $log->write("ERROR: Couldn't find any languagepack tasks
> > in $udtTaskFile ");
> >              return "Problem configuring installLPI. Couldn't find any
> > languagepack Tasks in $udtTaskFile. ";
> >       }
> >       my $value = $innerTask->item(0)->getAttribute('value');
> >       print ("value is 333333333333 $value \n");      -------- This
> > right value
> >       $innerTask->item(0)->setAttribute('value', "true");  ----- This
> > is not working. No error and it doesn't change value
> >      }
> >  }
> >
> Please don't cross post, try one list then the other if the first doesn't
> provide acceptable resolution.
> <snip sample file>
> Does it not change the value of the internally represented structure, or
> the file itself?  Have you tried dumping the structure (not sure if it
> with XML::DOM) using Data::Dumper?  I am assuming it isn't throwing an
> exception about missing methods, I tried to track down where setAttribute
> inherited from but the XML::DOM tree is a pretty big tangle.
> Can you be more specific about precisely what isn't working?
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