Hello all. I am trying to log into an Oracle database, send this query {
select * from ban where row num < 100} and I am getting erros like:
can't call method 'execute' on an undefined value at (filename) line_number. Got any 
using the following perl script:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict; 
use DBI; 
#  $ENV{"ORACLE_HOME"}="/orav101/oracle/8.0.6"; 

#Gather data for connecting to database:
print "Enter the database name that you want to connect to: ";
chomp (my $database_name1=<STDIN>);
print "Enter the username: ";
chomp (my $username=<STDIN>);
print "Enter the password: ";
chomp (my $passwd=<STDIN>);

#Must define the database here:
my $database="dbi:Oracle:$database_name1";

#Connecting to the database:database=<database_name1','$username','$passwd'

#Note the variables for username and password must be username and passwd ONLY!!
my $dbh = DBI->connect($database, $username, $passwd) 
  or die "Can't connect to Oracle database: \n $DBI::errstr\n"; 

#Set up your sql statement that you want to run in Oracle
my $sql=qq(select * from ban where row num < 100);
Prepare the SQL statement for running and it'll be stored in Oracle buffer
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($sql);
#Execute the SQL statememt
$sth->execute || die "Couldn't execute statement";

while (my @record= $sth->fetchrow_array)
 for  (@record){
  print ("@record");
print "\n\n";


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