This is certainly shorter, but I doubt it fully adheres to your intent. It
produces the same output as your procedure for this string, but it is
possible that I changed some of the meaning of what you were trying to do:

-------BEGIN CODE-------
use warnings;
use strict;

print join "\n", parse_words("\"mother's apple pie\" <randy 'lewis'>apple,
corn dog,0 1 2");

sub parse_words {
  my $text = shift or die "Please provide a text argument to
  my @return;
  my @delimiters = qw(" " < > ' ' { } [ ] \\( \\) # #);

  while (@delimiters) {
    my ($begin, $end) = splice @delimiters, 0, 2;
    push @return, $1 while $text =~ s/$begin(.*?)$end//;

  push @return, $1 while $text =~ s/,? *(.*?), *//;
  push @return, grep { length } split ' ', $text;
  return @return;
-------END CODE-------

"Beau E. Cox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi -
> I am trying to come up with a simple, elegant word parsing script, that:
> * takes a scalar string, and
> * splits it into words separating on white space, commas,
>   and a set of delimiters: "" '' // () {} [] ##, and
> * returns the array of words.

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