Randy W. Sims wrote:
JupiterHost.Net wrote:

Do what I'd like to be able to do is:

my ($find,$replacewith,$case) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);

$string =~ s/$find/$replace/gi if $case;
$string =~ s/$find/$replace/g if !$case;

Since a user could put whatever they want in the database what should I do to make that work so its safe?

If there are no metacharacters, you can use \Q to quote $find:

my $ci = $case ? '(?i)' : '';
$str =~ s/$ci\Q$find\E/-/g;

Thanks for the idea! One problem is they could put anything in there, metacharacters, a regex exploiting string, anything.

The above example turns all metacharacters to normal characters, making the expression safe. If you do want to allow metacharacters, you will

I do believe that will do me for now, I don't think they need to use meta characters, especially if it means being secure :)

have to scan the string looking for dangerous expressions. Dangerous expressions are those that allow arbitrary perl code to be executed. Those include: @{[...]}, ${\(...)}, (?{...}), (??{...}). Note that arbitrary spaces can appear within the first two, so you must allow for that. This list may change with future versions of perl so, is not reliable.

A better solution would be to allow only a subset of metacharacters, escaping everything else. This would requre much more effort, but would be safer. Perhaps there is a module that does something like this? If not, there should be.

I'm looking at the Regex:: modules but havn't seen anything yet (search for Regex:: on search.cpan.org and click on any link in the results, mine go now where???) , also perldoc perlre has some things about this but for now I think it'll do me :)

Thanks Randy

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