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On 16 Jun 2004, at 17:10, Kevin Zhang wrote:
For the following string:

"uuuu axyzb oooo cxyzd vvvv"

What is the command to extract the substrings with "xyz" in them? In this case, I'd like to get two strings "axyzb" and "cxyzd".

The useful functions here are "grep" and "split" (perdoc -f grep and so on).


use strict;
use warnings;

my $string = "uuuu axyzb oooo cxyzd vvvv";

my @list_of_words = split /\ /, $string;

my @list_of_words_containing_xyz = grep /xyz/, @list_of_words;

foreach my $word (@list_of_words_containing_xyz) {
        print $word, "\n";

or, in less verbose form:

foreach (grep(/xyz/,split(/\ /, "uuuu axyzb oooo cxyzd vvvv"))) { print $_, "\n"; }

David Dorward

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