-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Weckx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 1:38 AM
Subject: array

>hi list,

>2 questions about arrays:

>- I want to take 2 elements a time from an array within a foreach 
>control structure, which should be something like:
>foreach $a $b (@array) {...}. it this possible in perl??

Here's one way:
   my $a = shift @array;
   my $b = shift @array;

...I think that would do what you're asking.

>- is it possible to search an array for a certain element, and that the 
>search returns the element index? eg. searching for 156 in the array 
>(123, 456, 156, 1354, 35164, 654656, 654, 846) should give 2

This one's easy.

   chomp $_;
   if($_ == 156){
      print "Found 156 at $_.\n";

Take out the "last;" line if you want it to keep searching after it finds one.

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