The following code iterates unexpectedly. I want to
loop thru the file 'file.dat' and pull out every field
that begins with 650. The code then pulls the 650
field and builds an array from the sub-fields.
The code works but I'm stuck on the first record.
In other words if the file I'm reading has 2000
records I get the first 650 record 2000X


     ## Example R6
      use MARC::Batch;
      my $batch
      my $record = $batch->next();
      ## get all the 650 fields (list context).
      my @fields = $record->field('852');
     ## examine each 650 field and print it out.

while (my $record = $batch->next())
           foreach my $field (@fields) {
       print $field->as_string(),"\n";


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