On Friday 25 June 2004 04:30 am, u235sentinel wrote:
> Beau E. Cox wrote:
> >On Thursday 24 June 2004 08:32 pm, Charlene Gentle wrote:
> >
> >
> >You can use the 'system' command:
> >
> >##--master--
> >...
> >my $rc = system "perl slave.pl";
> >...
> Does this mean it runs in parallel with the parent Perl Program?
> Reading through "Learning Perl 3rd Edition" and I thought I caught a
> reference to something like this.
> Just curious.

Well, yes, that is both the system and backtics command
call and execute the slave script while pausing the master
script until the salve script is done.

If you want true 'parallel' processing, you must add
something like 'fork' to the above mix.

Aloha => Beau;

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