Below is the actual code. This is just the preliminary code to test the
logic, it is not final yet, therefore, I am not using "Warnings", "Strict"
or for that matter anything else. Also I am slurrping the whole file, and I
know I do not have to, but alternate ways, I ll decide later.


open(TFILE, "file.txt");
close (TFILE);

for ($i=0; $i <= $#first; $i++) {

          ($label,$TD,$YT,$M,$L,$Y,$W)= split (/\s+/,$Avg);
           print "$label,$TD,$YT,$M,$L,$Y,$W\n";

-----Original Message-----
From: Gunnar Hjalmarsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: string seperated by multiple spaces

Naser Ali wrote:
> I tried with, after removing "i"
> " split ' ' "   and " split (/\s+/,$Avg) "  as well, but no success

In that case there is a problem also with a part of your code that you 
did not show us.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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