I'm working on a custom Perl script to parse my Apache logs and report custom information. When I run the following program, it ends up eating all available RAM (the system has 1GB) and dying. My access_log is ~410MB. Am I doing something wrong?


use strict;
use warnings;

use CGI();

my $months = { Jan => 1, Feb => 2, Mar => 3, Apr => 4, May => 5, Jun => 6, Jul => 7, Aug => 8, Sep => 9, Oct => 10, Nov => 11, Dec => 12 };
my @requests;
my $start = time;
open LOG, "< /var/log/apache/access_log";

while(<LOG>) {
my $line = $_;
$line =~ /^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) (.+?) (.+?) \[(.+?)\] \"(?:(.+?) )?(.+)(?: (.+?))?\" (\d+) (.+?) \"(.+?)\" \"(.+?)\"$/;
my ($ip, $date, $request, $requestcode, $bytesreturned, $browser) = ($1, $4, $6, $8, $9, $11);

  $request = CGI::unescape($request);
  push @requests, [$ip, $date, $request, $requestcode, $bytesreturned, $browser];
my $end = time;
my $elapsed = $end - $start;
close LOG;

print "$#requests total records. $elapsed seconds elapsed\n";

Andrew Gaffney
Network Administrator
Skyline Aeronautics, LLC.

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