There is almost no difference, the only thing to do  (to have the first format) is 

$line = join(":", $fields[0], $fields[2], $fields[$k], $fields[$k+1]);


$line = join(",", $fields[0], $fields[1], $fields[2],........$fields[$k], 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charles K. Clarkson" 
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 13:20:08 -0500 
To: "'mohammed chafik'" , 
Subject: RE: Extracting fields from a data file 

> mohammed chafik wrote: 
> : Due to your remarques, my script works properly now: 
> : Here is the new version after modifications (I'll be 
> : glad, if you have any seggestion to make it better, 
> : actually the script uses big files, more than 200MB): 
> The report produced is very different from the one 
> you said you were seeking. 
> Report produced: 
> -------------------------- 
> header: path: subject:bscs 
> header: path: subject:bscs 
> header: path: subject:bscs 
> -------------------------- 
> VS. 
> Report you asked for: 
> --------------------------------------------------------------- 
> header, 06-12-2004, path, /usr/bin/sh, subject,bscs,sgrp,9936,6785,0 
> 0,return,success,0 (line1) 
> header, 06-12-2004, path, /usr/bin/sh, subject,bscs,sgrp,9936,6785,0 
> 0,return,success,0 (line 2) 
> header, 06-12-2004, path, /usr/bin/sh, subject,bscs,sgrp,9936,6785,0 
> 0,return,success,0 (line 3) 
> --------------------------------------------------------------- 
> Why the change? 
> HTH, 
> Charles K. Clarkson 
> -- 
> Mobile Homes Specialist 
> 254 968-8328 
> -- 
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