
Thanx for the help Zentara.  Here are a part of my code.  I know that
I'm doning stuff the long way so if anyone could show me a shorter way
it will be helpfull.  I wanted to put the sub's that I call into one but
how?  The progress "meter"  have to show that it is still busy scanning
the file, as soon as it is done and the file is closed, and the output
have been given the meter should stop.  I don't want the user to close
the program before the job is done.


>My program works thru long lists of word.  How can I show the user
>it is still busy and when it is done.  Is there a progressmeter that
>can insert into the while loop.  To have a perl/tk interface for the

Here is an example, you need to show us your code, if you want
us to help you fit it into your script.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Tk;
use Tk::ProgressIndicator;
my $MainWindow = MainWindow->new();
my $total = 100;    # this will vary 
my $ProgressIndicator = $MainWindow->ProgressIndicator
              '-current' => 0,
              '-limit' => 100,   # this is fixed! 
              '-increment' => 1,
              '-height' => 20,
              '-width' => 400

foreach my $offset (0..$total)
     $ProgressIndicator->configure ('-current' =>

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