::On Tuesday 29 June 2004 06:46 pm, Brian Gerard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
::Hi all-
::I'm about to start a project that goes a little something like this...
::Right now, alerts get automatically emailed to a central address which due
::to the volume is largely ignored.  You know the drill: "Ooo! It would be
::great if we got notified when resource X is running low!  Then we could
::anticipate the need for it and get ahead of the game."  Repeat for
:: resources A-Z, AA-ZZ, etc, etc and you get a mailbox that quickly becomes
:: filled with alerts that no one reads, largely due to the fact that the
:: reading alone would be a full time job.  We can receive anywhere from a
:: couple of hundred to a couple of thousand of these per day.

There's an open-source package out there called Nagios (www.nagios.org) which 
sounds like what your trying to accomplish. Nagios is written mostly in C 
(IIRC) and supports many different plugins (written in perl or C). 


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