> On Jun 30, 2004, at 3:49 AM, Bastian Angerstein wrote:
> >
> > Hello, there
> >
> > I am progarmming a client server passed solution.
> >
> > My Question here ist which Modul I should use.
> >
> > I already noticed that the IO::Socket and the NetServer::Generic
> > are both easy to use.
> >
> > My question is does a IO::Socket server handle multiple clients
> > or not?
> By itself, not really.  To handle multiple clients you need to combine 
> it with some sort of multiprocessing device:  Threading, fork(), or 
> non-blocking IO.  These can be handled without a module, but it doesn't 
> fall into the category you mentioned, "easy to use".

Though it does appear that Netserver::Generic wraps much of what I
figure you mean.
> Just FYI, if you're going to be digging deep into networking, Network 
> Programming with Perl is simply an excellent book.

Concur, and the topics covered in the book seem to be provided by the
module he mentioned.

> Good luck.

I would add you may want to check out POE, http://poe.perl.org, and I
assume you aren't implementing one of the standard protocols that have
already been implemented a thousand times, FTP, SMTP, HTTP, etc.

You may also want to look at Proc::Daemon and Log::Log4perl.


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