Please bottom post...

> I looked at perldoc CPAN for "5 as you stated below, and didn't find
anything there. It seems like there are some information missing as to
how I would install modules and use them without being root. Where you
stated "by configuring the 'makepl_arg' setting in CPAN", I would like
more information on that also. I was wondering if I needed the CPAN
module? What would I set the PERL5LIB variable to  if I am using this
script/module combo on other servers? Finally, i was told by another
member on the site that "mutt..." is also an easy way of mailing
attachments. Can you expand on this if your aware of it?

If perldoc CPAN worked, then CPAN is already installed and available,
which is standard. To install a module using CPAN you can invoke its shell,

perl -MCPAN -e shell

The first time you run this you will go through a configuration setup. 
One of the questions asked is,

"Parameters for the 'perl Makefile.PL' command?"

This is where you can enter the values you need such as,

PREFIX=/opt/app/lib/cpan LIB=/opt/app/lib/cpan

Obviously replacing '/opt/app/lib/cpan' with whatever directory you wish
to install into.

Then just install the module, 

install MIME::Lite

For instance.  If CPAN is already configured, you can change a single
setting by invoking,

o conf makepl_arg "PREFIX=/opt/app/lib/cpan LIB=/opt/app/lib/cpan"
o conf commit

If you wish to install the module manually you would just provide the
same flags to the perl Makefile.PL command.

The CPAN module just allows you to download, config, build, test,
install modules all in one step which is very handy if you are doing a
lot of module installations, it is standard with all Perl distributions,
and is pretty straightforward to configure.  So you don't need it to use
a particular module, it is just an installation tool (and a great one at

Taking my example from above, you would set PERL5LIB like so:

export PERL5LIB=/opt/app/lib/cpan

Which will naturally vary if you have installed the module in a
different location on a different server. 

I am not familar enough with mutt to comment, it appeared in his message
he provided a simple command that basically just fired off a file as
part of a message, try it and see if it suits your needs.

> Hopefully this is not taking too much of your time, but I didn't
expect not to be shut out of this server that I am supposed to be
working on.

No problem, I will gauge my time don't worry :-).  This is a valuable
skill to have, minimizing your stress moving from environment to
environment is a great way to prove you can adapt quickly to employers, etc.

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